Friday 19 December 2014


It is that time of the year again - CHRISTMAS! 

I am not usually this organised at this time of the year. I usually put the last present under the tree at 11.59pm on Christmas Eve.

This morning I have been wrapping gifts because I actually finished my gift shopping yesterday! I have amazed myself :)

Whilst in this festive mood I got to the gift vouchers that were requested as gifts this year. I hate wrapping vouchers. They are a flat and unappealing in their presentation. I feel a bit stingy handing over a card with a voucher in it even though the value of the voucher is reasonable.

So, I had a light bulb moment and decided to make origami boxes to put them in! On to the trusty you tube I go and search for "origami boxes with lids for beginners". Found an easy to understand tutorial and Bingo! Made my first box.

The voucher wouldn't fit in it.

So I thought about racing off to buy bigger paper.

After some thinking - before the mad dash - I solved the problem. Y
ou don't make that fold right to the middle for the lid, so it is slightly larger than the bottom, why don't I just apply that theory to make a bigger box! And it worked. 

Tie a bit of string around the boxes attach the tag and all is done. Except one box is blue blue/violet. The red and neutral toned string does not go. So die the bit of string purple using my ink and hang it out on the clothes airer with the tea bags.

I am very happy with the results - hope the recipients will like them.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very happy healthy and safe Christmas and New Year. Spare a thought for those who are struggling and less fortunate than ourselves. xx

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